BrainBox - Installing

First Steps - Client interface - Linux

Installing BrainBox user interface for Linux is a simple as Windows version. The steps are:

  1. Download and install the Java Runtime Environment 5.0. Older versions of the JVM have some problems when plotting graphs. You can download the JRE 5.0 from Sun Microsystems

  2. Download BrainBox user interface package from one of the SourceForge's mirrors. There is only a GTK version avaliable for now. Click here to get BrainBox user interface. Be sure to have GTK's libraries installed in your system.

  3. Unzip the package in a computer diretory. E.g. /home/foo/brainbox

  4. Open a console and type in the BrainBox root diretory

    > ./brainbox
  5. Problems and feedbacks are welcome. Please, enjoy.

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